Fast Retail: a solution to transform your financial planning
Retailers usually have the same financial planning issues: lack of data consolidation by store or cost center; obstacles to generate reports, balance sheets, and cash flow projections; and the huge amount of spreadsheets. These problems affect not only large, but also midsize and small retailers.
For these reasons, CTI has created Fast Retail, an accelerator solution that has been especially designed to meet the demands of this specific market segment. This model calculates monthly projections for each line of statements for several years ahead, producing complete reports from every store, distribution center, and business entity.
With IBM Planning Analytics technology, this solution facilitates financial planning with a user-friendly interface.
Integration, simulation, planning

Besides being a robust solution, it allows fast deployment. The entire tool is pre-modeled by the CTI team, that is, our experts customize the solution for each customer and integrate it with existing systems to transfer data and start generating reports with such interface.
Fast Retail is really ‘fast.’ Its accelerator concept is applied to all stages of implementation: from integration with external data to creation of cubes and dimensions and development of tools by our team of experts, aiming to improve efficiency and ensure short deployment time and optimized investments.
Fast Retail features
Customize the tool according to your needs
Although pre-modeled, the solution is fully customizable to your needs: number of stores, cost centers or chart of accounts.
More detailed reports
As the tool consolidates all data, it can generate analyses, reports and statements of results by store.
Fast and assertive simulations
One of the great benefits of the platform is its ability to simulate different ‘what-if’ scenarios, supporting strategic thinking and decisions making.
Speed up monthly processes and forecast
The business rules inserted in the tool were developed to speed up monthly flash report and forecast processes, allowing the definition of top-down or bottom-up budgeting, with a cost-matrix of expenses by cost centers and accounts.
Sales, balance, and cash flow projections
After loading data to the platform, it can calculate differentiated projections by store – Existing Stores (Same Store Sales), New Stores, and Renovated Stores – including those with different behaviors; for example, a recently inaugurated store will have information that differs from the other stores. The tool is able to understand this situation and generate a realistic projection. In addition, it can create balance and cash flow projections for up to two years ahead.
Cloud or on-premise solution
The tool operates in a cloud platform, so the system doesn’t require the acquisition of hardware. However, it can be quickly installed in a physical server or public cloud environment if the customer wants to.
The tool serves retailers of any size, so it can be easily scalable as business grows.
Fast Retail definitely organizes the financial planning of your operations
CTI deeply understands retail best practices, so it developed this solution that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of all retailers. It’s the end of spreadsheets and mismatched results.
Product used in solution:
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