At Suzano, a Big Data and Analytics platform

IT solution is fundamental
Analyses of bigger and bigger data volumes results in more prepared and competitive companies.
How can data and projections become more reliable?
Integrated solutions with an in-depth level of detail and significant capacity, allowing for reliable projections.
Two days became minutes
Complex analyses used as the basis for decision-making used to take two days of work. Now they are ready in minutes!
Suzano Papel e Celulose needed a platform capable of processing large amounts of data, executing budgets, performing forecasts and generating results for the company's businesses.
The spreadsheets used by over 60 workers in 7 different areas had to go in order to adopt an integrated solution that enhanced management so as to gain speed and accuracy in analyzing large volumes of data.
Now Suzano's complex costs can be understood and scenario simulations can be run, visualizing impacts on the company's performance.
At any time during a meeting, an assessment can be done on how changes in power costs, for instance, will affect the company’s bottom line. This means new strategies can be created, with the confidence that decision-making is based on correct and precise information. These complex analyses used to take two days of work by the professionals involved. Now they have the result in a matter of minutes.
Solution developed:
- Big Data and Analytics
- Financial Planning
Platform used:
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