Keeping costs under control is one of the main challenges pointed out by 68% of financial managers heard in a recent survey. As a result, the budget and matrix analysis of expenses – a managerial methodology for budget planning and control, has obtained growing support, mainly due to the crosscutting and objective view provided by the analysis.
The method has this name precisely because it derives from a matrix with two axes -Packages (expense groups or company costs) and Entities (company subdivisions, whether physical or virtual such as business units, cost centers or departments).
CTI implements an expense planning and control process that is supported by a dedicated system, which can hold managers accountable for elaborating their budgets in a collaborative way, involving those responsible for packages of expenses and those responsible for entities.
The system also enables follow up of daily Actual x Budget. It indicates expenditure spikes and facilitates timely monitoring of recovery actions.
- Higher budget control level.
- Reduced operational effort by using a WEB system.
- Budget simulations and monthly rolling forecasts.
- Shared responsibility of expense packages.
- Identification and systemic treatment of budgetary deviations – effective action on root cause.
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Customers with CTI solution deployed:
With Matrix Budgeting, CTI implements a planning and expense control process supported by a dedicated IT system: