Workshops as an engagement tool

Strategic or operational change processes require major efforts due to the natural resistance to the process and the number of professionals involved. We created WholeScale™ to address this problem by mobilizing and engaging a critical mass of professionals in the enterprise with a specific objective, either strategic or operational.

WholeScale™ is a large-scale workshop design and conduction technique, a transformation methodology used by CTI to enable rapid systemic change and to guarantee the sustainability of produced effects.

Hundreds of professionals from different hierarchical levels and departments can have a joint, structured mega dialogue, something that cannot be done on a daily basis due to traditional organizational structures.

WholeScale CTI

How does it work?

We first identify strategic or operational objectives the client wishes to achieve, together with the client.

For example:

  • Co-creation of strategies, structures and business processes involving employees and Stakeholders;
  • Developing and aligning leadership toward strategy planning and deployment;
  • Creating and implementing specific action plans;
  • Integrating cultures, strategies and structures after mergers and acquisitions;
  • Aligning and mobilizing sales teams, management teams as well as franchisees, dealers, and distributors networks.

We then select an internal team – a microcosm that represents the entire organization, to work together with CTI consultants to do the following:

  • Identify the critical mass of professionals that will be involved in the process;
  • Design each step of the workshop(s) in detail using principles that guarantee organizational change will actually occur (Disatisfaction x Vision x First steps > Resistance to change);
  • Coordinate the complete event logistics.

Then, 2 or more experienced and trained consultants facilitate the meeting, which can involve hundreds of professionals and stakeholders. Together, they will go through the following steps:

  • Run online diagnostics of the organization;
  • Share, discuss and evaluate the information that is presented;
  • Create and review future Visions and/or Strategies;
  • Redesign structures or processes.


WholeScale™ processes facilitate integration and synergy between departments that have different activities, leading to rapid change in enterprise systems and preparing them for subsequent profound changes. Here is how:

  • Clarifying and connecting multiple viewpoints of different internal professionals and external stakeholders.
  • Unifying multiple desires around one common vision of the future.
  • Building processes, structures and relations that are aligned with the Purposes and Values shared by the company’s individuals and objectives.
  • Reaching consensus on the action plans that drive them toward this vision.
  • Aligning and engaging leaders and employees so they can implement the changes they created together.

Customers with CTI solution deployed:

Yázigi-Internexus – Educação internacionalJactoIBGC – Instituto Brasileiro de Governança CorporativaInstituto EthosACMD – Associação Comunidade de Mãos DadasCVM – Comissão de Valores MobiliáriosVeirano AdvogadosLe Postiche

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